1. RINGS - must be 20'x 20' (matted for safety reasons) for both forms/sparring.
2. FINAL DECISIONS – are made by an Arbitrator (Mike Welch / Aric Barnard).
EXCEPTIONS RULE- judges and Arbitrators, at the approval of the Promoter, may modify any existing rules in the event of unforeseen circumstances that impact the fairness of competition. Examples of exceptions may include technology glitches, interference that disrupts normal competition, or other anomalies that give a disadvantage to a competitor that is of no fault of their own.
3. JUDGES - 3 judges are located at the front of the ring.
-Black Belts-scoring range is 9.90 - 10.0
-Under Belts-scoring range is 9.90 - 10.0
There will be a 2-point deviation during scoring. -The 2-point deviation ensures that a judge’s score cannot be more than 2 tenths off the center score. If it is, that score must be adjusted up or down to bring it within 2 tenths of the center score. This promotes fair scoring for all competitors.
3b. The Judges will score AFTER they have seen all the competitors in their weapon/form division.
3c. Only one score for each competitor will be handed out. (The center judge will ensure that no scores are repeated per division.)
4. AGE - Competitors must compete at the age they were on January 1st of that year. (for instance...if you are 11 on January 1st, and you turn 12 on January 2nd you would compete as an 11-year-old)
5. BELT RANK - You must compete with the proper colored belt that fits that division.
Beginner - White, Yellow, Orange
Intermediate - Green, Blue, Purple
Advanced - Red, Brown
Black Belts cannot compete in an Under Belt division.
5a. You may compete up in rank (Under Belt to Black Belt), but once you do so, you will have to compete at that rank level for the rest of the WSKL season. You cannot compete down in rank.
1. RELATIVE SCORING – Judge’s scores reflect the competitor’s place based on his/her performance in the specific divisions against the other competitors in that specific division.
For example...9.99 does not mean the form was perfect, it reflects that the judge saw the competitor as 1st place.
2. There is no time limit for forms.
2a. EXTREME/MUSICAL FORMS - you are only allowed music in the musical divisions.
2b. WEAPONS - There are no restarts if you drop your weapons! (Drop means when the weapon falls to the ground). The judges will deduct .05 off the score at the time of scoring. (The score should be no higher than a 9.95 for Black Belts and Under Belts if a drop occurred).
2c. CREATIVE FORMS/CREATIVE WEAPONS - You may spin more than 360 Degrees, butterfly or butterfly twist kicks or variation. Forward rolls and splits are allowed.
CANNOT DO - anything inverted, (inverted means when both feet and hips are above your head.) This includes cartwheels, corks, touchdown raiz etc.
2d. JAPANESE FORMS - no kicks above chest level. Must wear a martial arts uniform (any color) and belt. (NO t-shirts allowed or fighting uniforms). ** BLACK BELT DIVISIONS ONLY!!!
2e. KOREAN or AMERICAN STYLE- Must wear a martial arts uniform (any color) and belt. (No t-shirts allowed or fighting uniforms). You are allowed to kick as high as you are able too. ** BLACK BELTS ONLY!!!
2f. TRADITIONAL FORMS – There is no limit for the number of yells in traditional forms. There are not requirements or restrictions on kick height in traditional forms.
2g. BLACK BELT/UNDER BELT TRADITIONAL FORMS/WEAPONS - It may be any school traditional form. Same for traditional weapons. No releases for weapons.
2i. TEAM FORMS – Under Belt teams cannot have Black Belts on the team. However, Black Belt teams are allowed to have Under Belts on their team.
3. ORDER OF COMPETITORS - The order for each Division will be decided by a random draw. Either by a computer system like Uventex or you may also use cards or chips.
In the case of cards or chips the highest would go last and the lowest member would go first.
4. RESTARTS - There are no restarts, except for beginner competitors. Beginners will not be docked points for restarts.
** No restarts are allowed for Intermediate – Black Belt.
5. MUSIC PLAYERS - the WSKL will supply music boxes to all rings. Competitors may bring their own players. Competitors are responsible for having a proper device and connections to the music player.
6. SPLITTING DIVISIONS - All divisions will be split divisions at 10 competitors.
Point sparring
1. JUDGES - There must be 3 Judges. 1 Center judge, and 2 side judges.
1a. Only the center judge can stop and start the action. Corner judges may call “point” and show they are ready to score.
2. SAFETY EQUIPMENT- Mouthpiece, groin cup (males), hand, foot (ring stars can be used), and headgear are required. It is recommended, but not required for all 17 and Under fighters to wear a face shield and chest protector. If a competitor wears glasses then they must have a face shield. Cups "CANNOT" be worn outside of the uniform. (NO OPEN FINGERED GLOVES/MMA STYLE).
3. TIME LIMIT- 2 Minutes for each match. In case of a tie the first point wins. (Sudden death).
4. TIME OUTS - Coaches and/or competitors are allowed one, 10 second time out. Time-outs can only be called when there is a break in the action. Center judge will manually count out ten seconds.
5. SCORING - Points are awarded by a majority vote from the Judges.
Points are awarded as followed
- 1 point for any punch or kick to the body,
- 1 point for a punch to the head,
- 2 points for a kick to the head,
- 3 points for any spin or cartwheel kick to the head.
- A jump spin kick to the body is worth 2 points.
5a. NO EXCESSIVE FACE CONTACT! If one or both fighters are punching excessively and or disrespectfully, they are eligible for DQ. (Judge’s discretion)
5b. INFRACTIONS – The order is as follows: Verbal Warning, Official Warning, -1 point, Disqualification
6. SCORING AREAS - you can score to the Head (this includes the back of the head), Chest, Abdomen & Kidneys
7. NUMBER OF POINTS TO WIN- The player with the most points after 2 minutes or has a 10-point spread will be the winner. (They only have to win by 1 point) However in the Grand Champion math, you must win by 2 points.
8. TECHNIQUES - Allowed techniques include all kicks, straight punches, knife hand, ridge hand, spin kick and aerials.
*** Front hand to the body? (Lead hand to body?)
9. OUT OF BOUNDS - a competitor is out of bounds when they have both feet out of the ring.
- out of bounds competitors cannot score
- if a competitor has one foot in bounds, and one foot out of bounds, they are considered “in bound”. If one foot is out of bounds, and the other is kicking, the competitor is considered “out of bounds”
- an out of bounds competitor may be scored on, if the center judge has not stopped the action.
9a. RUNNING - If a fighter runs or keeps falling to avoid the fight, their opponent will be awarded 1 point for each infraction. (judge’s discretion)
10. UNIFORMS - a competitor can wear a fighting style uniform or a martial arts Gi. Wushu style uniforms are acceptable. (No t-shirts allowed unless they are part of your school uniform.) must wear Belt.
11. COACHING – is allowed for Black Belts but not Under Belts.
Coaches must sit in a designated chair next to the ring. Coaches are able to call timeout during a break in action. Only 1 timeout allowed per match.
padded sword fighting
1. JUDGES - There must be 3 Judges. 1 Center judge, and 2 side judges.
2. SAFETY EQUIPMENT- Mouthpiece, hand gear, and headgear are required. It is recommended, but not required for all 17 and Under fighters to wear a face shield and chest protector. If a competitor wears glasses then they must have a face shield.
3. TIME LIMIT- 2 Minutes for each match. In case of a tie the first point wins. (Sudden death).
4. SCORING - Points are awarded by a majority vote from the Judges.
Points are awarded as followed: 1 point for any sword strike to body and head.
4a. NO EXCESSIVE FACE CONTACT! If one or both fighters are striking excessively and or disrespectfully, they are eligible for DQ. (Center Judge’s discretion)
4b. INFRACTIONS – The order is as follows: Verbal Warning, Official Warning, -1 point, Disqualification
5. SCORING AREAS - you can score to the head (this includes the back of the head), chest, abdomen, and kidneys
6. NUMBER OF POINTS TO WIN- The player with the most points after 2 minutes will be the winner. (They only have to win by 1 point)
7. OUT OF BOUNDS - the competitor cannot score a point if he/she has both feet out of the ring, however he/she can score on an opponent in bounds if he/she has at least one foot in bounds.
7a. RUNNING - If a fighter runs or keeps falling to avoid the fight, their opponent will be awarded 1 point for each infraction.
(judge’s discretion)
8. UNIFORMS - a competitor can wear a fighting style uniform or a martial arts Gi. Wushu style uniforms are acceptable. (No t-shirts allowed unless they are part of your school uniform.) must wear Belt.